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Big Brew Day 2023

On Saturday, May 6, 2023, Beer Engineer Supply along with our friends from Lowcountry Libations, celebrated the 26th annual Big Brew Day. Big Brew Day is an annual event held on the first Saturday in May. The American Homebrewers Association initially created the event to celebrate National Homebrew Day, which was first observed on May 7, 1988, after the U.S. Congress declared the date as National Homebrew Day. This event is a celebration of homebrewers across the U.S. and the world!

Each year the event features an official recipe published by The American Homebrewers Association. This year’s recipe was Nearly Nirvana Pale Ale, submitted by homebrewer and AHA member Chris P. Frey. Beer Engineer Supply brewed our not yet, but soon to be, famous Moist, New England IPA.

Fun and fellowship was had by all who attended this year’s event. Be sure to join us next year for Big Brew Day 2024! In the meantime, if you are curious about this year’s recipe or any other recipes, please stop by our shop where we can assist with supplies for this recipe and any other brewing needs!

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